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Moses März

Dorothea Schlegel Artist in Residence, December 2024

Moses März is an independent researcher, writer and mapmaker based in Berlin. He studied Political Science at Free University Berlin and African Studies at the University of Cape Town. In 2014 he joined the editorial team of the Chimurenga Chronic in Cape Town. In 2018 he co-founded the independent publication project Mittel und Zweck together with Philipp Hege. He received a PhD from the University of Potsdam in 2021 for a dissertation on the politics of relation of Édouard Glissant. In 2022 a series of his large-scale hand-drawn map series titled "Mapping Decolonial Berlin" was exhibited as part of the 12th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, curated by Kader Attia. Since then, his maps have circulated between academic, art and activist contexts, among them several events organised by the Dekoloniale Memory Culture in the City project in Berlin. His most recent publications include "Édouard Glissant’s Politics of Relation – Mapping an Intellectual Movement of Marronage" (published in 2021), "Karten zur Kreolisierung der Welt and the Marvelous Arithmetics of Proximity and Distance oder Decolonial Reading Notes (Out of Berlin)" (2022) and "Sonne der Relation and More Postcards from a Postcolonial Museum oder Das Expressionismus Dossier" (2024).

Research Project at EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities":

Remapping Surrealism in Times of the Tout-Monde