Cruising in Circles: Promiscuous Temporalities in Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, 'Display' (2021)
Anna Luhn – 2024
This insight focuses on the short prose piece 'Display' by Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç in regard to its formal poetics of circulation and its embeddedness in a certain topical/political horizon and a resistant desire (or: a desire of resistance). As a literary text, I will argue, 'Display' engages formally with the nature of its subject and the desire of its subjects, which is doubled and redeemed by its poetic structure: 'Display' cruises. That is, with concepts of 'queer' or resistant temporality as a formal horizon, Keskinkılıç's text brings forward a literary structure relyng not on 'straight time' (Muñoz 2019), but on the promiscuous temporalities of rhythm: as a non-final, affect-driven movement of words and bodies in space that clashes with linear narrative and normative temporality.
How to cite:
Anna Luhn. "Cruising in Circles: Promiscuous Temporalities in Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, 'Display' (2021)." Articulations: Circulation, edited by Jasmin Wrobel, Florian Fuchs, Michael Gamper, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Till Kadritzke, and Alexandra Ksenofontova (March 2024).