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Univariate Statistical Analysis of a Non-Canonical Literary Genre. Quantifying German-Language One-Act Plays (1740–1850)

Book Chapter

Book Chapter

Viktor J. Illmer, Dîlan Canan Çakir, Frank Fischer, Lilly Welz, Carsten Milling – 2024

This conference paper explores the use of metadata to analyse German-language one-act plays from 1740 to 1850, addressing the need to expand beyond canonical texts in literary studies. Utilising the Database of German-Language One-Act Plays, we examine aspects such as the number of scenes and characters as well as the role of different original languages on which the translated plays in the corpus are based. We find that one-act plays exhibit strong genre signals that set them apart from multi-act plays of the time. Our metadata-driven approach provides a comprehensive and statistically grounded understanding of the genre, demonstrating the potential of digital methods to enhance genre studies and overcome traditional limitations in literary scholarship.

Univariate Statistical Analysis of a Non-Canonical Literary Genre. Quantifying German-Language One-Act Plays (1740–1850)
Book Chapter; RA 5: Building Digital Communities
Appeared in
Wouter Haverals, Marijn Koolen, Laure Thompson (Eds.). Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2024 (CHR 2024), Aarhus, Denmark, December 4-6, 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3834
Size or Duration
This publication is the result of work carried out in Research Area 5: Building Digital Communities.

How to cite:
Viktor J. Illmer, Dîlan Canan Çakir, Frank Fischer, Lilly Welz, and Carsten Milling. "Univariate Statistical Analysis of a Non-Canonical Literary Genre. Quantifying German-Language One-Act Plays (1740–1850)." In Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2024 (CHR 2024), Aarhus, Denmark, December 4-6, 2024, edited by Wouter Haverals, Marijn Koolen, and Laure Thompson, 1158–74. 2024. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3834. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3834/paper86.pdf.