Carla Dalbeck

Doctoral Candidate / Research Associate, Research Area 4
Member, Research Area 4: Literary Currencies
EXC 2020 Temporal Communities
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
14195 Berlin
Since October 2022 Carla Dalbeck has been working as a doctoral researcher at the EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities” Research Area 4: Literary Currencies, where she is pursuing a project on the translation of national writers using the examples of Victor Hugo and Alessandro Manzoni under the supervision of Prof. Dr Ulrike Schneider.
Carla Dalbeck received a BA in German-French Studies from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and Université Paris Sorbonne IV. She completed her master’s degree in German-French Studies at the Universität des Saarlandes, the Université Lorraine and the University of Luxembourg with a thesis on the transcultural dimension of the concept of nation in French and German encyclopaedias during the Sattelzeit era.
Since 2019 she has worked as a research assistant in the DFG-founded project Dimensions of Translation in the Context of French Encyclopaedism in the Age of Enlightenment (1680–1800) (SPP 2130), directed by Sen. Prof. Dr Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink and PD Dr Susanne Greilich. Furthermore, she was a research assistant at the chair for French Literature of Patricia Oster-Stierle at the Universität des Saarlandes from January to September 2022.
Current research includes an EXC 2020 project, Translating National Writers: Transtemporal and Transcultural Dimensions of Symbolic Figures in National Literatures (2022-).
Die Herausbildung des neuzeitlichen Nationsbegriffs. Begriffswandel und Transferprozesse in deutschen und französischen enzyklopädischen Wörterbüchern der Sattelzeit, Berlin: Peter Lang (Civilisations and History, vol. 77), 2022.
"Kranke Stimme(n)? Kollektive und individuelle Krankheitserfahrungen in Susan Sontags The Way We Live Now (1986) und Hervé Guiberts A l’ami qui ne m’a pas sauvé la vie (1990)", in: Milan Herold/Karin Schulz/Hannah Steurer (ed.): Mengen und Krankheiten. Narrative Strukturen, Paderborn: Fink [to be published 2022].
"Poetik(en) der Fabel: Ästhetisch-theoretische Überlegungen zwischen Transkulturalität und nationalem Anspruch am Beispiel von G.E. Lessings Fabeln", Workshop „Übersetzungsprozesse und Wissensräume. Zwischen Transkulturalität und nationalen Diskursen (1680-1830), Saarland University, 18-19 November 2022.
"L’esthétique du 'frisson sacré' : Potentiel narratif de la transgression à travers le regard chez Georges Bataille", Frankoromanistentag Vienna, 21-24 September 2022.
"La genèse interculturelle de Nation. Transformations et transferts culturels d'un concept clé à l'exemple des dictionnaires encyclopédiques 1750-1850", International Conference: Traduire l'encyclopédisme: appropriations transculturelles et figures de traducteurs au XVIIIè siècle, University of Regensburg, 15-16 October 2021.