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CANCELLED | EXC 2020 Jour Fixe #12 | Reading the waters: Future forecasting by way of the Swahili/Afrasian Seas

Dec 15, 2023 | 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Organised by Till Kadritzke, Michail Leivadiotis, Friederike Schäfer, and Sebastian Tränkle.

Please note: the EXC 2020 Jour Fixe is has been cancelled.

The world’s reluctant pivot back to the Indian Ocean as the fulcrum and focal point of the present-future has certain implications. Most had lost sight of that ocean of many names’ historical role in defining most of the recent past, its cosmopolitanism and globalisation before globalisation became a word. The 21st swing of the pendulum ‘back to future’ is arguably not as surprising as is mostly being proposed. 

Yvonne Owuor, EXC’s new International Advisory Board Member, will read from her novel Dragonfly Sea, followed by an open dialogue with the Cluster’s members.

Time & Location

Dec 15, 2023 | 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Cluster Building
Room 00.05
Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15
14195 Berlin

Further Information

Since the Jour Fixe is planned as an in-person event, please do register in advance via e-mail: jour-fixe@temporal-communities.de.