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Echo. Echo. Indigenous Voices | Voices of Communities – Politics in Indigenous Literature

Sep 16, 2021 | 06:00 PM

The poet, artist and philosophy lecturer Daniela Catrileo is part of the feminist collective "Rangiñtulewfü", which stands up for Mapuche rights; with an intersectional and decolonial alignment, it fights against the multidimensional oppression of Indigenous women.

Toni Jensen, a member of the Métis, published "Carry: A Memoir of Survival on Stolen Land" in 2020. It contains essays focusing on Indigenous female identities and sketches both land and body as scenes of persistent colonial violence.

The event will bring these two feminist-focused positions into dialogue and will discuss the dimension of collective representation and the political power of literary texts together with the authors.

Tickets & further information

The event is part of the programme special Echo. Echo. Indigenous Voices at internationales literaturfestival berlin 2021. The series is a cooperation between the Cluster of Excellence "Temporal Communities" and the ilb.

Time & Location

Sep 16, 2021 | 06:00 PM

silent green Kulturquartier
Gerichtstraße 35
13347 Berlin