The Berlin Partners Network online
News from Mar 23, 2020
These are unprecedented times. Cultural institutions of Berlin have had to close their doors, but there are 'socially distanced' ways to engage. Here is a short list of recommendations from our Berlin Partners Network.
Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
Audio programmes on ""
Within the online audio collection "" (German) the LCB brings their most memorable readings from the last 57 years of their programming into everyone's living room.
Schaubühne Berlin
The Schaubühne Berlin streams a series of productions from its founding days up until the current season. The recorded performances are available on the website of Schaubühne Berlin from 6.30 p.m. to midnight daily. As well, at 6 p.m. short readings, improvisations, stories or songs performed by the current ensemble are published on the Schaubühne's website just before the nightly performance broadcasts.
Schaubühne PODCAST
The Schaubühne Podcast (German) features recordings of the event series »Streitraum« and »Streit ums Politische«.
Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin
"The Idea of the Global Museum" on YouTube
We highly recommend the video recordings of the conference "The Idea of the Global Museum" (English). This conference took place in December 2019 as part of the project "Museum Global", which examines the international and transregional entanglements of the Nationalgalerie Berlin's collection and is associated with the EXC 2020 research project "Circulating Narratives – Entangling Communities: Case Studies in Global Performance Art".
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Digitised Collections
On this website you can find and browse digital copies of books, manuscripts and other media held physically by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
"Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt" – Online Exhibition
The exhibition ""Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!" - Die Beethoven-Sammlung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin" (German) about Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) can be explored online, featuring digitised material held by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Blog – SBB aktuell
The blog of Staatsbibliothek Berlin (German) keeps you updated on current news and recommended online readings and material.
Service Blog – SBB aktuell
On the Staatsbibliothek's service blog (German) you will find useful updates regarding the availability of and services around the institution's e-resources.
Digital Reading Recommendations – SBB aktuell
Under this blog the Staatsbibliothek publishes digital reading recommendations around various topics and fields including archival materials on the coding of gender, selections from the encyclopedia of fairytales, publications on online grading, highlights from the classical score library and many more.
Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut – Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Digital Collections
The Ibero-American Institute invites you to browse it's Digital Collections (German / English / Español / Português).
…recommended by Lettrétage
Viral – Das online Literaturfestival on Facebook
"Viral - Das online Literaturfestival" (Deutsch / English), an initiative of "Glitter – die Gala der Literaturzeitschriften", features live readings and videos of past readings on its Facebook page.