"Werk ist Weltform. Rainald Goetz’ Buchkomplex 'Heute Morgen'" – dissertation by EXC 2020 member Lena Hintze published by transcript Verlag
News from May 14, 2020
Lena Hintze's doctoral thesis examines one of Rainald Goetz's complex book projects, entitled "Heute Morgen". Goetz is known for the uniform design of his books that corresponds to the grouping of individual publications into series of works. The question of how this design affects the texts themselves has so far remained open. The starting point of this study thus is materiality as a quality of a book. The surface is folded into the interior of the texts, proposing an interpretation of the whole book project "Heute Morgen", which results from the interface of visual art and literature. On the basis of the formal principle of Goetz's texts, parallels can be drawn to the practice of the artist Jeff Koons on the one hand and to the universal theory of Niklas Luhmann on the other.
The publication Werk ist Weltform. Rainald Goetz' Buchkomplex "Heute Morgen" is now availabe at transcript Verlag.