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Roberto Simanowski, Temporal Communities Distinguished Fellow of Global Literary Studies, has been awarded the Tractatus Prize by the Philosophicum Lech

Roberto Simanowski and Luciana Gattass Barroso

Roberto Simanowski and Luciana Gattass Barroso
Image Credit: si!kommunikation

News from Sep 28, 2020

Roberto Simanowski, Temporal Communities Distinguished Fellow of Global Literary Studies at EXC 2020, has been awarded the prestigious Tractatus Prize, endowed with 25,000 Euros, by the Philosophicum Lech. The jury especially hailed Simanowski’s essay "Todesalgorithmus. Das Dilemma der künstlichen Intelligenz" ("Algorithm of death. The dilemma of artificial intelligence," 2020) as "an intellectual provocation in the best possible way."

A video of the complete ceremony is available online and a short version can be found here.

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