CONSTELLATIONS at the Cluster of Excellence "Temporal Communities"
CONSTELLATIONS is the Cluster’s hub for collaborative, interconnected and transdisciplinary projects involving academic research as well as forms of knowledge production that extend beyond the university. This includes collaborations with cultural institutions such as museums, theatres, archives, libraries and with the artistic sector. We engage in discovering and discussing shared interests and focal points across disciplinary boundaries. Through collaborative processes of both theoretical and practical research, we aim to develop new methods and methodologies.
Rethinking the concept of knowledge transfer and exchange in the humanities, the Cluster Area CONSTELLATIONS encompasses a wide range of collaborations with a network of Berlin-based partners, an Artist in Residence programme and a unique professional-track postdoc programme, offering postdoctoral researchers an opportunity to establish a career in the cultural field. All outreach activities, collaborations and projects under the CONSTELLATIONS umbrella aim at fostering reciprocal and sustainable ways of thinking and working in a cross- and transdisciplinary manner.
Any EXC TC member pursuing a project that includes collaborative work beyond university structures contributes to CONSTELLATIONS’ goal of promoting new and lasting forms of knowledge exchange outside of disciplinary boundaries. These activities are supported by a small core team consisting of Anna [Anouk] Luhn (Research Coordinator), Sima Ehrentraut (Research Associate) and Franka Schmuck (Student Assistant). CONSTELLATIONS helps connect EXC TC members with existing and prospective partners and does its own programming in alignment with the Cluster’s research foci. Professional-track postdocs (currently Barbara Bausch, Regine Ehleiter and Ana Rocío Jouli) join the team for the duration of their projects, which typically mediate academic research and the practices and methodologies of cultural work.