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Publication: Der Wert der literarischen Zirkulation / The Value of Literary Circulation, a volume co-edited by EXC 2020 members Michael Gamper, Jutta Müller-Tamm, David Wachter and Jasmin Wrobel, is now out with Metzler

Der Wert der literarischen Zirkulation / The Value of Literary Circulation,  Gamper, Müller-Tamm, Wachter, Wrobel (Hg.)

Der Wert der literarischen Zirkulation / The Value of Literary Circulation, Gamper, Müller-Tamm, Wachter, Wrobel (Hg.)

News from Jun 02, 2023

The 33 contributions to this extensive, bilingual volume put the concept of 'literary circulation' up for discussion anew. The aim is to give the term a methodological-theoretical profile vis-à-vis its metaphorical use, to concretise it materially-phenomenally, and to redefine it for transnationally organised literature. In this way, literary circulation processes can be distinguished from other models of medial movement. In addition, 'circulation' is established as an independent aesthetic and poetological concept that can stand alongside existing categories such as 'content', 'complexity', and 'self-reflexivity' in discussions about the value and evaluation of literary texts. The volume reflects and engages with the research conducted by the Research Area 4: "Literary Currencies" over the last couple of years, including the results of two international workshops conducted at Freie Universität Berlin: "Der Wert der Zirkulation" (2019) and "Book Fairs and Literary Prizes: Economy, Prestige, and Global Circulation" (2020).


The volume (Metzler series: Globalized Literatures. Theory and History of Transnational Book Culture includes articles written by EXC 2020 members Michael Gamper, Anna Sophie Luhn, Lea Schneider, Bart Soethaert, Paul Wolff, and Jasmin Wrobel.


More information and access to the Open Access publication here.


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