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Alexandra Ksenofontova


Article | Once Again into the Cabinets of Dr. Caligari: Evil Spaces and Hidden Sources of the Caligari ScreenplayJournal of Screenwriting 10, no. 3 (September 2019): 261–77. Article | A Tale from Constantinople: The History of a Film That Never Was, Bo Florin And Patrick Vonderau (2019) [Review] . Journal of Screenwriting 12, no. 3 (September 2021): 392–4.


Book | The Modernist Screenplay: Experimental Writing for Silent Film. Palgrave Studies in Screenwriting. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. Article | Drehbuch im Stummfilm: Eine Bibliographie / Silent Film Screenplay: A BibliographyMedienwissenschaft: Berichte und Papiere, no. 188 (2020): 1–42.


Edited Volume | with Jan Henschen, Florian Krauß, and Claus Tieber. Drehbuchforschung: Perspektiven auf Texte und Prozesse. Springer 2022. Book Section | Einleitung. In Drehbuchforschung: Perspektiven auf Texte und Prozesse, ed. by Jan Henschen, Florian Krauß, Alexandra Ksenofontova, and Claus Tieber, 1–24. Springer, 2022. Article | Round Table: Pushing the boundaries of the Screenwriting Research Network (with Paolo Russo, Rosamund Davies, Rafael Leal, Ian W. Macdonald, Steven Maras, and Claus Tieber). Journal of Screenwriting 13, no. 1 (April 2022): 115–34.


Article | Inventing Middlebrow Cinema: The Russian Film Journal Pegasus (1915–17)Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 14, no. 2 (2023): 134–58. Book Section | Theatre-Fiction in the Present Tense: Reflections on Trauma and Healing in Margaret Atwood’s Hag-Seed (2016) and Eleanor Catton’s The Rehearsal (2008). In The Routledge Companion to Theatre-Fiction, ed. by Graham Wolfe, 146–59. Routledge, 2023. Book Section | Silent Screenwriting in Europe: Discourses on Authorship, Form, and Literature. In The Palgrave Handbook of Screenwriting Studies, ed. by Rosamund Davies, Paolo Russo, and Claus Tieber, 237–57. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Article | Sergei Eisenstein's “The Form of the Script”: A New TranslationFilm History: An International Journal 34, no. 4 (2023): 109–25. Article | Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to Time in FictionKronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time 23, no. 1 (May 2023): 86–103. Article | ‘“A Time Capsule”: Reading a Queer Russian Romance in the Age of War. Blog entry for Literaturwissenschaft in Berlin (September 2023): https://literaturwissenschaft-berlin.de/a-time-capsule/. Book Section | Open Scriptures: Notation in Contemporary Artistic Practices in Europe and the Americas. Hg. Susana González Aktories und Susanne Klengel; unter Mitarbeit von Karina Bailey (2022) [Review] . In Jahrbuch Komparatistik 2023, ed. by Martin Sexl, Annette Simonis, and Alexandra Müller, 283–96. Aisthesis.


Edited Volume | with Stefan Keppler-Tasaki and Jutta Müller-Tamm (eds.). Writing in Residence: Globale Literaturproduktion in deutschen ResidenzprogrammenEd. by Stefan Keppler-Tasaki, Alexandra Ksenofontova, and Jutta Müller-Tamm. Weltliteraturen 24. De Gruyter 2024. Article | Disidentifying with the Present: The Multiple Values of the Prefix “Post-”. In ‘Value,’ ed. by Michael Gamper, Till Kadritzke, Alexandra Ksenofontova, Jutta Müller-Tamm. Articulations (July 2024): https://articulations.temporal-communities.de. Book Section | Globale Literaturproduktion in deutschen Residenzprogrammen. Zur Einführung (with Jutta Müller-Tamm and Stefan Keppler-Tasaki). In Writing in Residence: Globale Literaturproduktion in deutschen Residenzprogrammen, ed. by Stefan Keppler-Tasaki, Alexandra Ksenofontova, and Jutta Müller-Tamm, 1–14. Weltliteraturen 24. De Gruyter 2024. Book Section | Die Widersprüche avantgardistischer Multisensorik: Moni de Bulis Filmskript Doktor Hipnison ili tehnika života (1923). In Sehen, Hören, Berühren. Multisensorische Perspektiven auf Medialität in Osteuropa, special issue of Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, ed. by Svetlana Efimova and Philipp Kohl, 335–56. Peter Lang, 2024. Article | ‘Value,’ Curated Collection in Articulations, ed. by Alexandra Ksenofontova, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Michael Gamper, Till Kadritzke. Articulations (July 2024): https://articulations.temporal-communities.de/collections/value/. Article | ‘Circulation,’ Curated Collection in Articulations, ed. by Florian Fuchs, Michael Gamper, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Till Kadritzke, Alexandra Ksenofontova, and Jasmin Wrobel. Articulations (July 2024): https://articulations.temporal-communities.de/collections/circulation/. Conversation (video) | Dance, Poetic Movement, and Avant-Garde Translation. Conversation with Eugene Ostashevsky for the digital exhibition TANGO TRANSLATION TYPOGRAPHY of the Berlin State Library (March 2024): https://blog.sbb.berlin/tango-translation-typographyhttps://youtu.be/yG4UlqU4oHw?si=HCN_Hi81aY2Rfk1f. Article | Zoltán Boldizsár Simon and Marek Tamm. The Fabric of Historical Time. Cambridge Elements in Historical Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2023 [Review]. KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time 23, no. 2 (February 2024): 229–32.