Podcast Episode | Vulnerability and the Capacity for Life: Biography as a Material Matter. The Afikra Podcast: Exploring the Arab World’s Histories and Cultures, Nov 2023. Book | Beirut und die Zeitschrift Mawaqif: Eine arabische Intellektuellengeschichte, 1968–1994. Paderborn: Brill | Fink 2023.2024
Article | Kunst und Zeitschriftenpublizistik im arabischen 20. Jahrhundert. SCHIRN Magazin (19. Sept. 2024). Edited Volume | with Frank Kelleter. Articulations: Community (August 2024). Article | with Frank Kelleter. Community. In Community, ed. Yvonne Albers, Frank Kelleter. Articulations (August 2024).
Book Section | "The Creolization of the Aesthetic: Frederick Douglass’s Lectures on Haiti," in: Völz, Johannes; Fluck, Winfried; Jordan, Rieke (eds.): The Return of the Aesthetic in American Studies: REAL Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, Tübingen: Gunter Narr, p. 221-236 Review | "Ross Posnock. Renunciation: Acts of Abandonment by Writers, Philosophers, and Artists (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2016)," in: Amerikastudien / American Studies, issue 2, vol. 64, p. 307-311 Review | "John Kinsella, Russell West-Pavlov. Temporariness: On the Imperatives of Place (Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2019)," in: Anglia: Journal of English Philology, issue 3, vol. 137, p. 515-517 Book Section | "On the Poetics of Creative Supremacy: Walt Whitman’s Manly Health and Training," in: Herget, Winfried (ed.): Walt Whitman Revisited: The Legacy at 200, Mainzer Studien für Amerikanistik, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, p. 235-254 Book Section | "Dis/claiming the Creative Self: Race, Experience, and the Paratext in Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861)" in: Lessau, Mathis; Zügel, Nora (eds.): Die Rückkehr des Erlebnisses in die Geisteswissenschaften, Würzburg: Ergon, p. 205-2162020
Book Section | with Häger, Hanna-Myriam; Menninger, Julian, "Zur Geschichte und Medialität faktualer und fiktionaler Erzählpraktiken: Eine Einleitung" in: Faktuales und fiktionales Erzählen II: Geschichte – Medien – Praktiken, Würzburg: Ergon, p. 7-25, Article | with Keiling, Tobias, "On the Elective Affinity Between Pragmatism and Hermeneutics: An Introduction" to Special Issue: Truth or Post-Truth? Philosophy, American Studies, and Current Perspectives in Pragmatism and Hermeneutics, European Journal of American Studies, issue 1, vol. 15, Edited Book | with Hanna-Myriam Häger, Julian Menninger (eds.). Faktuales und fiktionales Erzählen II: Geschichte – Medien – Praktiken. Schriftenreihe des Graduiertenkollegs 1767 8. Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag, 2020.
Book | Die Geschichte des Hip-Hop: 111 Alben. Sachbuch Premium. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2021. Article | with Dustin, Löffler, Philipp and Völz, Johannes: "How to Read the Literary Market: An Introduction" Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, vol. 69, no. 1, 2021, pp. 3-8. Article | “An Impeachment of the Existing Order of Things”: Revisiting Frederick Douglass’s Philosophy of ReformAmerikastudien / American Studies. Jahrgang 66, Ausgabe 4, 2021, pp. 567 - 584.
Review | "William L. Andrews, Slavery and Class in the American South: Generation of Slave Narrative Testimony 1840-1865 (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019); John Stauffer, Zoe Trodd, Celeste-Marie Bernier (Ed.), Picturing Frederick Douglass: An Illustrated Biography of the Nineteenth Century's Most Photographed American (New York: Liveright, 2015); David W. Blight, Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2018)." in: Amerikastudien / American Studies Review | "Corinna Lenhardt. Savage Horrors: The Intrinsic Raciality of the American Gothic (Bielefeld: transcript, 2020)," in: Anglia: Journal of English Philology, vol. 140, no. 1, p. 151-154, Book section | "Relate, Resist, Resurface. Stefano Harney and Fred Moten, The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study," in: Kelleter, Frank; Starre, Alexander (eds.): Culture2, Santa Barbara: Punctum, p. 49-62 Journal Edition | with Wrobel, J.; Reid-Pharr, R.F. (eds.) "Archives of Resistance: Picturing the Black Americas." Amerikastudien/American Studies. Jahrgang 67 (2022), Ausgabe 2.
Edited Book | with Frank Kelleter, Miltos Pechlivanos, Samira Spatzek, and Chunjie Zhang, (eds.). Literatures, Communities, Worlds: Competing Notions of the Global. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2024.
Book Section | "How Does a Moorish Prince Become a Roman Caesar? Fictions and Forgeries, Emperors and Others from the Spanish “Flores” Romances to the Lead Books of Granada". Medieval Sicily, al-Andalus, and the Maghrib: Writing in Times of Turmoil, edited by Nicola Carpentieri and Carol Symes, Amsterdam: ARC, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 149-170.
Article | Greek in Their Own Way: Writing India and Japan into the World History of Architecture at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. American Historical Review 125, no. 1 (2020), 19-53.
Book | Die Königin: Nofretetes globale Karriere, Berlin (Propyläen) 2024. Article | The Making of a Global Icon: Nefertiti’s Twentieth-Century Career. Global Intellectual History (February 2024).
Book | Die ukrainische Avantgarde zwischen Ost und West: Intertextualität, Intermedialität und Polemik im ukrainischen Futurismus und Konstruktivismus der späten 1920er-Jahre, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2019. Book Section | “Polyglossie postimperial? – Zur Funktion von Mehrsprachigkeit in der ukrainischen Kultur der 1920er-Jahre”, in: Marijan Bobinac et al. (eds.), Mehrsprachigkeit in Imperien/Multilingualism in Empires, Zagreb 2019, p. 262–278.2021
Book Section | "‚Multinationale Sowjetliteratur‘ und ihre Agenten auf dem Buchmarkt zwischen Ost und West: Der Fall Ajtmatov." In: Müller-Tamm, J. (ed.) Berliner Weltliteraturen: Internationale literarische Beziehungen in Ost und West nach dem Mauerbau. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 285-312.
Article | "Critical Appropriation of Literary Heritage" and the Shaping of Soviet National Literatures: A Close Reading of the Debate in the Journal Literaturnyi kritik (The Literary Critic, 1933–36)", in: Slavic Review 81.4 (2022), 891–913.
Book Chapter | "Armenian Literature as World Literature", in: G. Tihanov, A. Lounsbery, R. Djagalov (eds.) World Literature in the Soviet Union, Boston: Academic Studies Press 2023, 35–66. Book Chapter | Um den "Frieden" wetteifern: Die Zweite Berliner Begegnung 1983 und die Rolle von Čingiz Ajtmatov, in: Berlin International. Literaturszenen in der geteilten Stadt (1970-1989), Eds.: Susanne Klengel, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Lukas Nils Regeler, and Ulrike Schneider, Berlin 2023, 243–267.
Book Chapter | Competing Claims of World Literature as Heritage (The Mid 1930s and Beyond). In: D. Breitenwischer, F. Kelleter, M. Pechlivanos, S. Spatzek, C. Zhang (Eds.). Literatures, Communities, Worlds. Competing Notions of the Global. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2024, 167–192.
Article | "Die Notwendigkeit globaler Philosophie," Forst, Rainer; Günther, Klaus (eds.): Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie issue: 68 vol. 6, p. 943-956.2021
Book Chapter | “Die Notwendigkeit Globaler Philosophie.” In Normative Ordnungen, edited by Rainer Forst and Klaus Günther, 234–49. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2021.2020
Article | "Antonio Sebastiano Minturno between Poetry and Poetics: The Rime and the Arte Poetica," in: Italian Studies, 75:3, p. 257-275, 10.1080/00751634.2020.17699422021
Book Section | "Petrarcas Trionfi als Versuch poetischer Selbstermächtigung gegen Dante". Nelting, David; Snelling-Gögh, Rosemary (eds.): Poetische Selbstautorisierung in der Frühen Neuzeit: Denkvoraussetzungen und Modelle, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 85-120. Edited Volume | Petrarca, Francesco. De remediis utriusque fortune / Heilmittel gegen Glück und Unglück. Edited by Bernhard Huss. Translated by Ursula Blank-Sangmeister. Vol. 1: Heilmittel gegen Glück. Mittellateinische Bibliothek 8. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann Verlag, 2021.2022
Book | with Timothy Kircher, Gur Zak (eds.) Petrarchan Passions: Affects and Community-Formation in the Renaissance World. Schriften des Italienzentrums der Freien Universität Berlin 8. Berlin 2022. Book | with Stroppa, Sabrina: Akten des Workshops "L'esegesi petrarchesca e la formazione di comunità culturali" in Schriften des Italienzentrums der Freien Universität Berlin vol. 7, ISBN: 978-3-96110-386-7 Book | with Irene Fantappiè (eds.). L'altra antichità: Autorità e testualità nella letteratura della prima età moderna / The Other Antiquity: Authorship and Textuality in Early Modern Literature. Manziana (Rome): Vecchiarelli Editore, 2022. Book Chapter | "Individuum und Gesellschaft im italienischen Frühhumanismus. Das Beispiel Giovanni Conversini da Ravenna." In Alla frontiera del testo: Studi in onore di Maria Antonietta Terzoli, edited by Muriel Maria Stella Barbero and Vincenzo Vitale, 59–75. Lingue e Letterature Carocci 384. Rome: Carocci editore, 2022.2023
Book | Zur Emblematisierung von Francesco Petrarcas "De remediis utriusque fortune". Schriften des Italienzentrums der Freien Universität Berlin 10. Berlin, 2023. Edited Volume | with Nicolas Longinotti (eds.). "Nel dolce tempo de la prima etade": Petrarchismo e affetti tra Quattrocento e Cinquecento. Quaderni della Rassegna 232. Florence: Franco Cesati Editore, 2023.2024
Article | with Nicolas Longinotti. "The Transtemporal Community of Francis Petrarch." Articulations: Community, edited by Yvonne Albers and Frank Kelleter (August 2024).