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In accordance with our research agenda, Research Area 5 "Building Digital Communities" aims to create dynamic forums of collaboration, methodological discussion and communication with researchers and partner institutions. In this section of our webpage we collect and share documents and links to other resources that pertain to our events and workshops.

WikiMetrix – A Jupyter notebook to retrieve and visualise article-level Wikipedia data

The collaboratively edited online encyclopaedia Wikipedia currently contains over 60 million articles in over 300 language editions, covering topics across many fields of knowledge. Scholars of reception-oriented literary studies have also discovered Wikipedia as a research topic and a data resource, as it collects encyclopaedic entries and metadata about literature, authors, literary works, genres, periods and other categories relevant to the history of literature.
Data-analytical evaluation of various Wikipedia metrics opens up an opportunity to empirically assess engagement with literature on Wikipedia and to further diversify statements about literary canonisation, valuation practices and popularity in the context of open encyclopaedia projects. This Jupyter notebook, developed by Research Area 5 "Building Digital Communities" of the Cluster of Excellence "Temporal Communities", is a user-friendly tool for retrieving and visualising article-level data from Wikipedia.

Carmen Nova

The crime novella »Carmen Nova«, attributed to Umberto Eco, was published in Zurich in 1983 as a prelude to »The Name of the Rose«. The epilogue seems to have been written by Roland Barthes. What sounds plausible is in fact an elaborate forgery. Of this enigmatic book, which is catalogued in only two libraries in the world, RA 5 has created a TEI edition.

DraCor – The Drama Corpora Ecosystem

DraCor is a community-driven infrastructure to facilitate the research on European drama (and beyond). Currently, it provides 26 corpora in 19 languages, ranging from Greek antiquity to the 20th century. All plays are encoded in the standard encoding format TEI. The code is released as open source. To address the FAIR principles, research data is provided via a documented API.

Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikibase: Usage Scenarios for Literary Studies

The international workshop "Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikibase: Usage Scenarios for Literary Studies" on 10 and 11 October 2023, organised by Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer and Dr. Bart Soethaert, examined the possibilities of leveraging queries and APIs to extract relevant information, develop new research questions, analyse linked data, and explore available metrics and tools to gain insight in the collaborative and self-regulating processes of knowledge aggregation about literature, its authors, topics, and historical contexts.

Web App "International Guests: East German Writers Union"

In collaboration with the "Writing Berlin" project led by Prof. Jutta Müller-Tamm in RA 4 and the Literature Archive at the Akademie der Künste, RA 5 under the guidance of Prof. Frank Fischer has developed a web application that represents the entry card index of the German Writers' Association as linked data and makes it accessible for data-driven research. The index entries meticulously document more than 3,500 (guest) stays by international authors in the GDR. The digitisation project lays the foundation for further research into the transnational networks and the involvement of international literary actors in the East Berlin literary scene after the construction of the Wall.

Topic Modelling. Hands-on Training and Discussion Session

The second workshop "Topic Modelling" on 19 December 2019 included a hands-on training with our guest Dr. Steffen Pielström (University of Würzburg) of CLARIA-DE followed by a discussion session with RA 5 Fellow, Prof. Katherine Bode (Australian National University). Participants were introduced to underlying algorithms relevant to topic modelling as well as discursively investigated its methodological and theoretical implications within literary studies.

Linked Open Library Data? Data Sharing for Research Purposes

The first workshop "Linked Open Library Data? Data Sharing for Research purposes" on 19 November 2019, organised by Dr. Bart Soethaert and Dr. Armin Volkmann, kickstarted the networking with Partner Libraries and Archives from the Cluster’s Berlin Network. During the workshop we explored available options of accessing library catalog (meta)data for research purposes and of data sharing.

Open Encyclopedia System

As part of the collaboration of RA 5 with CeDiS/FUB-IT for the implementation of the »Living Handbook of Temporal Communities«, the Open Encyclopedia System is further developed, both technically and conceptually, under the lead of Brigitte Grote (Head of the Section of E-Research and Digital Humanities at the Center for Digital Systems).